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March for Babies - Huge Success!

Family and Friends,

The March of Dimes was a huge success. Thanks to all of your support, we collectively raised more than $2,500 to help other families. Thank you so much for the continued support.

With lots of Love!
The O'Briens

Please visit our March for Babies personal website at

Sunday April 5th

Babies Situation:

The day started out rough. Being Sunday, we realize this is a day of rest and apparently so does Kinsley. I guess she was a little jealous of her big sister as she has been put back on the ventilator, been given antibiotics in case of infection, and had a blood transfusion this morning. Her blood gas is taken every 6 hours for now so that they can regulate the respiratory settings. Kinsley tried the fortifier (protein supplement) but it did not work for her very well. She is now being fed 2.5 cc's every hour on a continuous drip through her stomach into the top of her of her intestine. She is back on TPN/IV until she regains her strength. She now weighs 1 lb 9 ounces. Being on the ventilator should help her gain more weight as she should not have to work as hard. Dad also got to change her diaper today for the first time.

Trinity seems to be doink OK. She may be coming off the ventilator soon but she seems to still be riding the ventilator a bit - not working through all her breaths. Mom changed her diaper. Trinity is still very active. They started some eye drops as they are trying to prevent infection. Mom fed Trinity for the first time as well (put milk in her tube) - she is now getting 11 cc's. Trinity gets another little wipe bath tonight.

Parent's Thoughts:

We are thankful that they both have made it through another day. They girls look comfortable which makes it a bit easier on us as parents. It is not ideal that they are on ventilators but it could be much worse. It did help that we were able to attend on church service this morning to help us remember that God does have a perfect plan.

Our Daily Encouragement:

Come to me and I will give you rest - all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. Wear my yoke - for it fits perfectly - and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:28-29


  1. Trena & OB. It is so good to see you guys!! You look strong. Glad to see being to interact with the girls. Stay strong & know were all here if you need anything. Sending our love & prayers.

  2. We were so happy to see that Trena got to hold Kinsley for the first time. What a milestone!! We keep our fingers crossed that Trinity will get to enjoy some Mommy time soon, too.

    Chrissy & Dugan

  3. I am so glad the girls are progressing. We can't wait to meet them. Keep up your strength you will need it when they are running circles around you both!! We love you guys and are praying for you everyday.

    Love Teri, Ed, Makenna and Declan
