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March for Babies - Huge Success!

Family and Friends,

The March of Dimes was a huge success. Thanks to all of your support, we collectively raised more than $2,500 to help other families. Thank you so much for the continued support.

With lots of Love!
The O'Briens

Please visit our March for Babies personal website at

Thursday May 14th

Babies Situation:

The Girls are 33 weeks old today. Can you believe it? We can’t but we are very thankful. We are more than half way through our NICU journey, hopefully only 7 more weeks to go. Trinity is still on nasal cannula and doing great. She is still getting 30 cc's over 1 hour every 3 hours and fortifier was added today which will help her gain more weight. Kinsley is doing great on her CPAP of 7 and she is getting 35 cc's over 1 hour every 3 hours with the maximum amount of fortifier. Trinity didn’t gain weight today, she is still at 3 lbs 9 oz. Kinsley weighs 3 lbs 8 oz.

Parent's Thoughts:

Today was a special for me (Trena). I was able to hold both babies at the same time. It was amazing but I realized that I would always need assistance in doing this. Once I had both Girls in my arms, I had no extra hands to move hair out of my eyes or to catch falling hats. For 45 minutes, I sat with my precious babies looking at one than the other. It will be nice when Kinsley is off CPAP so that I can see more of her features. The babies resemble but don’t look identical yet since Kinsley is smaller. Thank you Kelly(nurse) for this experience. Oh, how could I forget. Kinsley even took a poop half way through so the experience was somewhat smelly but still enjoyable.

Our Daily Encouragement:

For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared.

Proverbs 3:26


  1. It's so exciting that they are now 33 weeks old! Congrats on getting to hold both at the same time! And, yes, you will always need help with that until they can actually reach up and grab onto you... Even now when I hold both girls it is a struggle b/c Avery just turns into what Trent calls a 'sack of potatoes' (she goes limp and wants me to do all of the work!). ;) You are doing a great job with them!!

  2. Oops... the last comment was from Monica. ;)
