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March for Babies - Huge Success!

Family and Friends,

The March of Dimes was a huge success. Thanks to all of your support, we collectively raised more than $2,500 to help other families. Thank you so much for the continued support.

With lots of Love!
The O'Briens

Please visit our March for Babies personal website at

Tuesday July 7th

Babies Situation:

The big news of the day is that the Girls were both released from their weekly eye exams. They made it through without any ROP - Thank you God!!! They won’t have to be seen for another 3 months and that is not to check for ROP. Trinity gained weight and is now 7 lbs 1 oz. Kinsley also gained weight and is now 7 lbs 4 oz. The Girls primary doctor decided not to have an upper GI done on Kinsley. Instead, he has prescribed her Prilosec and in 3 days, we’ll see if her reflux symptoms improve. If not, he’ll try a rice cereal or the RS formula next.

Parent's Thoughts:

Unfortunately, I was there today to witness the Girls eye exams and it was not pleasant. I have never heard them cry so loud and afterwards, their little eyes were red and swollen. From the fight, they were totally pooped out afterwards. It was heart wrenching to sit there and listen to them but I had to remind myself that it was necessary and luckily quick. It is a huge relief (and big blessing) that neither of them had ROP.

Our Daily Encouragement:

Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great. You are clothed with honor and majesty, wrapped in light as with a garment. You stretch out the heavens like a tent, you set the beams of your chambers on the waters, you make the clouds your chariot, you ride on the wings of the wind…You set the earth on its foundations, so that it shall never be shaken.

Psalm 104 1-3,5


  1. I'm so happy that the girls made it through w/no ROP. Those exams were horrible! I also hope the Prilosec works wonders for Kinsley. It worked awesome for Maya when she was a baby. Are they going to try that with Trinity as well or his her reflux just too severe?

    I'm thinking about your girls everyday and hoping they will be home with you soon. I know that I'll soon see the post about the girls going home!


  2. We are so happy to hear that your little angels have the great report of NO ROP!!!! YAY girls! Yes, the eye exams are SO painful to watch. Much to celebrate though.
    The Reids

  3. Hi Trena!

    I'm just now getting caught up on all of your updates from the last couple of weeks. I'm so impressed with the girls' growth and progress... you are so close to taking them home! I'm really, really glad to hear that Kinsley is getting Prilosec. I'm surprised that didn't try it earlier on both girls. Brooklynn was on it for a couple of months and it worked really, really well for her. You are so blessed with such beautiful, strong girls!!

  4. Sorry, the last post was from Monica Willenberg... ;)

  5. I am so happy that the twins are getting better....God bless them
